Sunday, 20 January 2013

The Last Day Of Holidays

Today is the last day of our holidays. How blessed we have been to have had such a wonderful break and for being able to spend it with each other, with our little dog Rabbit, our families, and friends.
We have seen and experienced new things together. Our Tasmania trip has certainly been a highlight of 2012.
We have had fun at the beach, at the movies, shopping, and relaxing at home.
We have unexpectably had some great opportunities to make some changes around the house to make it into our home. Gardening, organising cupboards and rooms, decorating, building a deck; these are some of  the things that we didn't plan to do these holidays and somehow we found ourselves doing them. It was so great to work alongside my husband in these tasks and to accomplish these little things which make our home really feel like ours.

I hope that we will be able to have these same experiences this year, even if we are a little more busy than usual. Let's not forget that work is just a means to making a living and living is how we make a life.

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